
The notion of homogeneity describes the greater or lesser equality of values of a variable or of a combination of features in a geographical set. Parameters of statistical dispersion, such as variance, measure its converse, heterogeneity.

The homogeneous region is a type of region defined by a greater similarity among the units that compose it than with units belonging to other regions. Very different and more or less complex criteria may be used in order to identify homogeneous regions. Frequently encountered examples reflect an identity of constraining physical conditions (climatic zones, botanic areas), social similarities developed under protection of territorial borders (historical regions, cultural regions), or combinations of these two types of processes (landscape homogeneity). Homogeneity is always defined by reference to a given level of resolution or of generalisation of geographical units, which only takes into account variations observed at a given scale, and for a limited number of criteria.

See also: Autocorrelation